
Customer Insurance Companies Pick List Window

Customer Insurance Companies Pick List Window
The customer insurance companies pick list is used to populate the insurance company and agent information in the Customer Information Window on the Vehicle Insurance Tab.
To add a new company simply click the "Add" button on the insurance company toolbar and enter the information.
Once the company information is added click on the "Add" button on the agent toolbar and a new agent record will be added to the current insurance company.

Main Toolbar

1. Main Toolbar
Cancels any changes and closes the window.
Saves any changes made and closes the window.

Insurance Company and Agent Toolbars

2. Insurance Company and Agent Toolbars
Moves to the first record in the list.
Moves to the previous record in the list.
Shows the total number of records there are in the list and which one you are currently on.
Moves to the next record.
Moves to the last record.
Adds a new Insurance Company or Agent to the list.
Deletes the current record in the list.