
Adds Pick List Window

Adds Pick List Window
The Adds Pick List allows you to create items that are frequently added to deals. This allows you to quickly enter items without having to type all the information.
Front Adds are generally items that you add to the vehicle itself.
Back Adds are generally services that are done to the vehicle and are sold in the finance office.


1. Toolbar
   Cancels all changes and closes the window.
   Saves all changes and closes the window.
   Adds a new front add to the list.
   Adds a new back add to the list.
   Deletes currently selected add from the list.

Description Column

2. Description Column
The description column described the item.

Retail Column

3. Retail Column
Enter the amount that you are selling the item for.

Cost Column

4. Cost Column
Enter the amount that the item will cost the dealer.

Tax Columns

5. Tax Columns
Tax columns are used to indicate if the item is taxable by one or more tax schemes defined in the Sales Parameters Window on the Taxing Defaults Tab.

Payment Column

6. Payment Column
Payment column is used to indicate if the item is to be added to the amount finance when added to the deal.

MSRP Columns

7. MSRP Columns
The MSRP columns are used for the purpose of lease calculations and weather or not the item may be included in the vehicles MSRP amount and if so the allowable amount.

Default Column

8. Default Column
If the default column is checked the item will automatically be added to every new deal that is created in the system.
This is handy if there are items that you always add to a vehicle.