
Commissioning Defaults Tab

Commissioning Defaults Tab

Include Dealer Charges

1. Include Dealer Charges
Check this if you want the dealer charges (Doc Fee) to be counted in your gross.

Include Holdback

2. Include Holdback
Check this if you want holdback to be counted in your gross.

Include Advertising

3. Include Advertising
Check this if you want advertising to be counted in your gross.

Include Pack

4. Include Pack
Check this if you want pack to be counted in your gross.

Sales Rep Commissioning

5. Sales Rep Commissioning
This section is for adding or removing certain items from the gross before the commission is figured.
Once the items are added to or removed from the gross it will be multiplied by the commission percent entered here.
NOTE: The percent is a starting point and can be changed on a deal by deal basis. The gross is only figured on the front end of the sale.

Sales Manager Commissioning

6. Sales Manager Commissioning
This section allows for setting commissioning on the front end, back end, or both.
Once the items are added to or removed from the front gross it will be multiplied by the commission percent entered here.
Back end commissions are figured on any back end sales made (Service, Warranty, Gap).
NOTE: The percent is a starting point and can be changed on a deal by deal basis.

Finance Manager Commissioning

7. Finance Manager Commissioning
This section allows for setting commissioning on the front end, back end, or both.
Once the items are added to or removed from the front gross it will be multiplied by the commission percent entered here.
Back end commissions are figured on any back end sales made (Service, Warranty, Gap).
NOTE: The percent is a starting point and can be changed on a deal by deal basis.