
New Vehicles Not In Inventory Tab

New Vehicles Not In Inventory Tab

Set Inventory Group

1. Set Inventory Group
Check this box to set the vehicle's inventory group to the group that is shown in #2.

Inventory Group

2. Inventory Group
This drop down box contains all inventory groups that have been created. This will be the group that will be applied to for each vehicle that is checked in the New Vehicles list. Inventory Groups can be set in Inventory Group Setup screen.
See #1.

Set Location

3. Set Location
Check this box to apply the currently selected location in #4 to all checked vehicles in the New Vehicles list.


4. Location
The drop down box will contain all defined locations in the system and will be applied to each vehicle that is checked in the New Vehicle list. To enter or change a location see Inventory Locations window.

Automatically Decode VIN

5. Automatically Decode VIN
Check this box if you want the system to  automatically decode the VIN for each checked vehicle in the New Vehicles list.

Prompt for trim level when required

6. Prompt for trim level when required
This check box works with #5. When the vehicle is being decoded more than one trim level may be available for the vehicle. When checked the system  will prompt you to choose the trim level from a list.

Use Website Vehicle Cost For Invoice Price

7. Use Website Vehicle Cost For Invoice Price
When this check box is checked, the vehicle cost that was entered in either in your website or in the mobile app will be used for the invoice or purchase price of the vehicle.

Import New Vehicles

8. Import New Vehicles
The "Import New Vehicles" button will begin the process for importing the the checked vehicles in the New Vehicles list.

New Vehicles

9. New Vehicles
This will contain a list of vehicles that are currently on your website but are not in your ComSoft inventory. To import the vehicles you can check the box in the "Import?" column and click the Import New Vehicles button in #8. The "Web Price" and the "Odometer" columns, marked in yellow, can be edited to different numbers.
NOTE: If you change the numbers in the yellow columns your ComSoft inventory will have different information than what is currently on your website. If you do this be sure to Export your inventory back to your website to reflect your changes.